🟪⬛ 06: Build a content plan for your next release in 30 minutes
Four weeks of activity to activate & engage fans
Yesterday we asked you to write a press release for your next project, idea, or release. Today we move forward with a creative exercise.
Today: build a content plan for your next release in 30 minutes
Determine four weekly themes for your release and add them to your content calendar (15 minutes)
Brainstorm content for these four weekly themes (15 minutes)
Yesterday’s press release exercise should have helped you to identify the story you want to tell about your next project. Now, we are going to make the first step to figuring out how to tell that story over a month-long period. It keeps your release top of mind for fans and drives their excitement. This means they’re more likely to listen or buy when it comes out and are more likely to keep coming back to it. It also helps your fans share your story.

Take a pen and paper (text editor and keyboard is also ok) and write down as many themes as possible that you can associate with this story. Next, pick four and add them to your content calendar. Consider using a timer. Use your artist brand checklist to make sure your themes are not off-brand.
Now, reset the timer and do the same for your content. Afterwards, see which posts make the most sense week-by-week according to the aforementioned checklist. Then add them to your content calendar. 15 minutes is brief: it’s ok if you haven’t filled your calendar out completely by the end of the task.
Why four themes? We try to achieve certain goals with this content plan:
Activate and retain existing fans - Week one to four and beyond.
Acquire and engage new fans - Week three, four and beyond)
For the first week, we recommend creating posts around the main theme of your project, without mentioning your project. Tease your fans.
Second week, announce and release your project. Your fans should not be surprised since you’re sharing stories about the project’s main theme for a week already.
Third week, hype your project. Focus on the main theme, but now you have a project to sell.
Fourth week, widen your campaign. Attach more themes to this project and create content around it. Think wide, maybe even out-of-the box.
Week 1: Tease your project, without mentioning your project
Week 2: Announce and release your project
Week 3: Hype your project
Week 4: Widen your project’s campaign
Keep in mind, you’re telling a story. A story has a beginning, middle and end. Construct your themes for the beginning and the middle part of your project’s story.
Focus on what you can influence yourself. Don’t let your strategy depend on other people’s decisions. So, don’t assume your project will be a success and set week four’s theme as ‘thank you fans for supporting me’.
Stuck? Let other artists inspire you. Look at artists that appeal to you, learn what they post about. Get inspiration and feedback from the amazing Artist Lockdown Challenge community on Discord (shoutout!), where hundreds of artists are working together to complete these daily tasks.
- Bas & Carlo
🟪 Need help? Join us on Discord and get help from the Artist Lockdown Challenge community.
⬛️ Task done? We’re happy to share the results: tag @artistlockdownchallenge on Instagram and we’ll repost.
🟪⬛️ artistlockdownchallenge.com | @artistlockdownchallenge | discord